For the first time in 3 years, the Stella Maris Academy of Davao has celebrated its 69th foundation day on-site. On December 2 and 3, the school happily returned to the celebration of the 69th foundation day in an on-site manner. Joyfully, the event ended with a success. But will the students expect less in the future as they will forget this event?

On the first day of the event, the students were already on their way to spending time and money with their friends. The students were able to enjoy the various booths available. More in detail, there were 8 booths in total. The face painting booth, the board and card game booth, the Photo booth, the karaoke booth, Cupid’s cup advice booth, the Movie booth, Snooping Marisians, and the 3-point shootout. Said an anonymous student, the booths were a great addition to the event itself and were enjoyable overall. Also said that the event was well-organized and well-prepared.
The 69th foundation day was a great success. The students enjoyed and overall liked the whole idea and thought of the event. In the future, there shall be more happiness and joy for the school to bring to the students’ minds. The school shall also be in a position where it will respect and replenish the students to make a good community, in the future.
Miley Antonette M. Maranan